The main priority for a parent when choosing an Institution of higher learning for their children is safety. The young adult’s priorities on the other hand, are independence and fun. Our approach to a Tertiary Environment is to find the correct balance between a parent’s needs and a young adult’s instincts. Our challenge is therefore to make security for students fun and effective, to make security for staff and academics a support service which allows them to focus on their core functions, and ultimately, to offer peace of mind to parents who place their trust in a particular Institution.
We achieve the above by designing a Security program based on four main principles, which are;
Physical Presence : We provide trained Campus Protection Officers who through visibility and vigilance, are able to identify risks and infractions and take the necessary preventative measures to reduce risk of injury or loss to people and assets. Our Officers are also approachable and engender trust in order for students to feel safe when reporting concerns or asking for help.
Technology/Engineering : Our Campus Protection Officers are able to offer a more effective service when working in synergy with technology and security barriers. With their functions digitized, there is an increased ability to manage visitors to Campus, conduct more effective patrols and to submit accurate reports which assist in drawing reports and analyzing trends. The collation of data in turn leads to a predictive security approach and this allows us to review and deploy our resources more effectively.
Education/Communication : We believe that the first line of defense for any student or staff member is their own responsible behaviour. With an effective Crime Prevention program in place, we are able to understand the specific needs of students and staff on Campus in order to support and encourage such responsible behaviour. We are able to design and manage such a Crime Prevention program which is specifically adapted to educating students and staff of risks and safety methods to embrace. Safety is increased by students and staff avoiding such risks by adapting their behaviour and also by being encouraged to report concerns to our Officers. This program is designed to cater specifically to the academic calendar, and is adapted to be relevant in a continuously changing environment. Our Campus Protection Officers are then seen to be partnering with students, staff and parents in ensuring their safety while on Campus.
Enforcement : By having access to an Institution’s rules and by having the authority to enforce such rules and to report infractions, the Campus Protection Officers effectively create a more disciplined and respectful environment. This in turn creates a safer environment for students to grow in and for staff to focus on their core responsibility of teaching and managing the growth of the young adults.
Speak to us about designing a unique security program for your Institution. We would love to partner with you in keeping your students, staff and lecturers safe.