City Improvement Districts (CID’s)

In Cape Town, most people are aware of the need to prevent urban decay to the CBD areas. A well managed, safe and clean CBD promotes business growth by attracting people with money to spend. Urban residential developments within CBD’s, thrive in such disciplined environments and this in turn promotes further sustainable development. As a security and cleaning top up Service Provider to Improvement District Companies, we are able to develop a unique program based on the smart city concept.

The main aspect of a smart city concept is data collection. By collating data, analyzing it and predictively deploying resources according to such analysis, we are able to prevent and deter negative behaviour which threatens the safety and cleanliness of a CBD.

In order to effectively collate data, an urban management platform fed by smart devices in the hands of response officers, cleaners, social workers and other staff employed by the IDC, is needed. When supported by the necessary technology such as strategically placed cameras which are monitored, such an approach reduces crime and grime drastically.

Speak to us to assist you in designing a unique smart city concept for your specific environment that embraces a cost effective and efficient security, cleaning and social approach.